This is a bit of some of my writings. Within these lines you might read Spanish and English. Within these lines, you might see imperfections. Within this lines, you might also find my heart. Hopefully, you can feel identified with some of my thoughts. But most of all, hopefully I can be a vessel to share God's immense love for you. He is crazy about you and He never gives up. Be blessed!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Thoughts on Jesus
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Script for Theater Class
“Coffee Shop”
Characters: Lady- Gentleman
Lady enters the coffee shop. She is wearing a black, medium-length skirt with a white blouse. She also has a white hat in her head.
Lady: (speaking quietly to herself) I wonder what should I drink today? Coffee sounds good, but...
Gentleman: (interrupting her) …But a coffee with company sounds even better, right?
Lady: Oh, hi... well, that wasn’t what I was going to say...
Gentleman: I realize that, but since the moment you entered this room and I saw your big, bright smile I really hoped I could have a drink with you.
Lady: I am not sure. I don’t usually drink coffee or any type of drinks with strangers... I... (Mumbles)
Gentleman: I understand. Could I, perhaps, ask you to accept my invitation for this time? I promise I am harmless. I won’t hurt you.
Lady: Ok. Just know this is an exception. I might never see you again.
Gentleman: Deal. I am honored milady. Please take a sit (he gets the chair for her).
Lady: Thanks gentleman. I appreciate your kindness.
Gentleman: How could a man not be kind to a woman like you?
Lady: What is it with a woman like me?
Gentleman: Please excuse me milady for what I am going to say, but a woman with such a beauty like yours could not be unnoticed. Your green eyes are free grasslands. The smell of your brown hair is like the perfume of a thousand roses. Your smile is melody to my heart. I could go on, but I do not want to embarrass you. Please accept my apologies If I did.
Lady: Oh Mario, of course that I am not embarrassed! You are such a helpless romantic!
Gentleman: My sweet Rita, how can I not be romantic after being married to you for 20 years? I love you darling.
Lady: I love you too honey. Let’s go home now.
Un Nuevo Tiempo
07 de setiembre del 2008
La mañana ya había comenzado. La brisa suavemente soplaba sus cabellos marrón oscuro. Sus ojos miraban fijos al horizonte. La comisura de sus labios no esbozaba sonrisa alguna. Sentada con una pierna encima de la otra en un banco color marfil estaba. Para ella el tiempo y la gente en ese momento no pasaban. Estaba triste. Y su corazón latía al son de una melodía de dolor. Dolor puro que recorría sus venas. Tristeza que si alguien la observara bien podría notar. No estaba pensando en algo específico, pero sentía aquella tristeza. Sus ojos estaban húmedos, pero no lloraba. Y en esa quietud sólo podía, como un vívido recuerdo, como un gran sollozo, como un eco en la montaña, cruzarse por su mente: su nombre. El nombre de él. Su amado. Al que amaba con todo lo que era. Y el dolor punzante se hacía aún más real. Era tiempo de entender. Tiempo de entender el nuevo tiempo. El día había llegado. Los muros habían caído. Mientras más sufría más real se hacía un reflejo. Reflejo divino. El cielo se había acercado. La mañana ya había comenzado. La brisa soplaba. Muy por dentro ella sabía que el tiempo de cambiar ya había llegado.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Cercana Distancia
Algunas lineas
"Porque vivo cuando vives, porque vivo lo que vives, porque sueño contigo.. por eso, te amo…"
Estas podrian ser las lineas de una poesia.. Una poesia mas.. tal vez.. Una poesia diferente, quiza..
Esta noche me inspira.. El silencio profundo en mi me invita a buscarte.. Desde lo mas recondito de mi ser te quiero amar.. Como un ave que al fin encuentra su hogar, asi te necesito. Cual amanecer surge en mi un nuevo canto.. la sinfonia inicia sus primeras lineas.. y todavia no lo termino de creer.. Brillante fulgor, tibia sensacion, intenso sentir.. porque vuelves.. porque estas aca.. y es verdad,.. Quiero decir todo lo que siento pero es inevitable callar. Callar para reconocer la verdad. Acaso no puedes escucharla? Puedes escuchar sus ecos y risas? Quiere salir, siempre ha querido corer porque siempre ha sido libre. Yo no intentare deterla. Esta vez, no acallare sus susurros, no. LA dejare libre y entera.. que recorra lo mas profundo de mi alma y visite todos mis temores.. esta vez solo mirare asombrada y dire intensa y silenciosamente: Si es posible, es posible volver a amar.
Who am I?
"You are Hannah, a lover of life, a strenght to those who shared in your friendships. You are a dream, a creator of happiness, an artist who has touched a thousand souls. You've led a full life and wanted for nothing because your needs are spiritual and you have only to look inside you. You are kind and loyal, and you are able to see beauty where others do not. You are a teacher of wonderful lessons, a dreamer of better things."
(The notebook)
Who are we? I wonder.. Are we just souls that live in this world always wanting something better?
Who am I? I ask myself over and over again.. and the silence in this room answers.. I just want to be someone that love others with all my soul.. I wanna live with passion every day of my life.. I want to give everything and die knowing that I enjoyed life.. that I lived.. yes, I lived..
Everything I am is because of Him, my God and Creator.. He is the reason why I live and want to enjoy life at the most.. HE made me the person I am today..
Who am I? I wonder.. and quietly, today.. Jesus answered me.. You are mine..
When I miss home
Yeah, is like dying a little every day. Being away from your country is knowing that you are in a different place, with different people and different food ... and you will have to get used to that. Getting used? I don't want to just get used to being here. I want to feel good, really good here. Yet at the same time it seems impossible to forget everything, I don't want to forget, I can't forget. I need to be home. When, OH God? When? I want to wait in you today. I want to trust you today. You are my home, you are my home, you... are my home. I don't want to ever forget that. I want to experience that you are everything I need. My guidance in the darkness, my helper in the midst of trouble, my pastor when I have no clue of what am I suppose to do. You are my shelter. YEs, I need to admit that I am afraid. I am afraid tonight. I am scared. I need you God, I need you dad. I need to hear your voice tonight. I need your embrace. I need your touch. Today I surrender all. Even though is hard I want to experience your love when I feel unlovable. I want to experience your love when I feel alone and scared. I want to experience your smile when I realize that I screwed up. I need you tonight and I need you always. Please come and renew me God. I want to experience you. I know that it doesn't matter where I am, where I come from, how I feel, what I did... you are my home all the time. You are here right now and I will be forever thankful. TE amo!
Today I wish you..
I wish you today a good day... Isn´t that wish a common one? you may ask.. Well, you´ll see, this wish is not a common one because it means so much more.. When I say I wish you a good day, in between lines, I say...Go through the day knowing how valuable and wonderful you are.You rock, you shine, you are more than capable of achieving all you want.. Wake up, open your eyes and feel that rhythm.. toom, toom, toom.. your heart beating for life.. Stretch yourself, open your arms, embrace the day that is about to come. Walk those first steps out of bed as if you were going to the most desirable place.. because, in fact, you are. You are alive and no matter where you are going, you are supposed to live this day.. there is a purpose for your life today. Someone thought of you way back before, you are wanted and loved. Make yourself a healthy breakfast, that one that you really like and eat it, taste it, feel the flavor in your mouth. Now, after you get yourself ready to run, to work or study, to go, to be, to.. fill that space in the blank Know that you are ready, you and not anyone else, ready to live, You are blessed with the opportunity you have right now. Shake hands firmly, smile with your brightest smile, look at people around you, sing loudly, and show them who you really are. You might be surpised of how much you can learn from each "routine" your day might have. Every minute can be well spent if you remember that you are precious and what you do matters now and in eternity too. I wish you take advantage of the time you have to talk with people and get to know them even if you think you do. I wish you all the inconvenients so that you can experience the power of patience and self control. I wish you a safe return home knowing that your home is where people you love are and that can be everywhere, even if you are far away...